Life is beautiful.
It is embarrassing to admit that I often fall into trap of focusing on tasks, rather than relationships. I get caught up in the daily grind and become discouraged with my never ending to do list. Life seems chaotic, it feels overwhelming at times. But there is more to life than waking, working, and repeat.
These two were a much-needed reminder that this life is beautiful. It is filled with precious simplicities, friendships, endless love, and maybe even a few chickens.
Adam and Alexandra brought me back to reality. Their charming home overflowing with love and succulents in Leonard, Michigan was warm and welcoming. I saw how beautiful dinners together, raising animals, and growing your own food, truly is. And I admire their hard-working, animal loving, home grown spirits.
Capturing their moments and freezing their laughter in time, was pure joy for me. I was able witness their love, hear their jokes, and learn more about their lives. And the best of all, I was able to document their crazy, beautiful life.
Nicole Lashar
