One of the best things about photographing families is documenting them through all stages of life. I traveled to Linden to capture the Wright family once again! I was able to photograph their son William when he was born in the hospital and again for his first birthday, and now I had the opportunity to capture little baby Jonathan. This family is near and dear to my heart and I cannot wait to continue watching them grow.
When I document a newborn session, I am capturing far more than just the new bundle of joy. The family dynamic, the relationships, the emotions, the tears, the laughs, and all the “off camera” moments is what I’m truly capturing. I am so grateful for families that let me come into their home and be their honest, authentic selves in front of the camera. Katie and Jake let me into the intimacy of their family and for that, I am truly grateful.
When I arrived, Katie wrapped week old Jonathan in his swaddle, covered in little rainbows. Sweet Jonathan is Katie and Jake’s rainbow baby. A beautiful love after a loss. As I documented the family’s interactions, I could feel the immense love between them.
The little moments, sweet toes touches, soft tickles, warm embraces, comforting movements, quiet kisses - those are the interactions that I love capturing most. It’s imperfectly perfect.
All my love,

“Nicole continues to amaze me with every session we ask her to partake in. She has such an artistic eye and captures the beauty in everyday life in one snapshot. She captures the beautiful candids you didn’t even know were there. Nicole has such a kind soul, and has been there for many of our family’s big life events. I love that SHE has been there through every one of them and gets to watch our family grow!”
- Katie Wright